Academic Framework
- Career Pathway: Establishing the mutuality of expectations between the University and academic staff
- Appraisal: Providing an opportunity to discuss and agree how those expectations might be met and how career aspirations might be supported
- Academic Workload Planning: Capturing the relative effort that members of academic staff are committing to different academic activity. This is with a view to ensuring that the University as a whole and individuals have the right balance of work and well-being to support joint ambitions
- Reward and Recognition: And recognise academic excellence and contribution to the University's aim
What is Appraisal at the University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ?
Appraisal at the University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ enables the effective alignment of individual contribution with the achievement of organisational objectives, in line with our values and behaviours. Used effectively, appraisal provides advantages to both the appraisee and the appraiser through:
- reviewing performance and achievements over the past year against agreed objectives and standards;
- agreeing work plans for the year ahead, including appropriate objectives and standards;
- reviewing personal and professional development outcomes and future needs.
To find out more see the appraisal information page
Academic Workload Planning
Academic Workload Planning (AWP) tools are used commonly by Higher Education Institutions as they enable: different aspects of an academic role to be captured so there is equitable recognition of the elements.
University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ's AWP system is intended to support Heads of School/line managers and individual academics with managing their workload, supporting workforce planning, and personal development plans.
AWP contains the tariffs for academic activities and tasks which are divided into four areas:
- Teaching & Learning.
- Research & Knowledge Exchange.
- Leadership & Management.
- Administration & Academic Citizenship.
For more information on AWP please contact the AWP team via Academic Workload Planning support email account. (
Career Pathways
Career Pathways constitute a key part of the University's Academic Framework. They provide:
- a consistent, equitable mechanism for assessing and rewarding an individual's contribution to academic life, aligned with the University's values and behaviours and ;
- an opportunity to talk with staff about what the University is trying to achieve and their role in achieving it;
- clarity of expectations in order to help members of staff to take more responsibility for the management of their own careers, and to help managers to agree objectives.
There are three pathways for academic career development at the University: Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise; Research; Teaching and Learning.
Each pathways comprises an outline of role expectations at each career level across three domains (Teaching and Assessment; Research and Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise; Academic Citizenship and Leadership) and General Expectations common to each role at every level.
Please click on the links below to find out more about each pathway:
Knowledge Exchange/Enterprise and Practice Pathway
Research Pathway
Teaching and Learning Pathway
More Information
Academic Promotion Process
Our people are firmly at the heart of our success, and the University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ is proud to support, retain and reward its talented staff. The Academic Promotion Process provides information on the University's approach to Academic promotion as part of its Academic Framework.
This page provides information on the process and forms staff will need to use to apply for Academic promotion.
You can watch a about the academic promotion process.
Knowledge Exchange/Enterprise and Practice Pathway
Application Form - Senior Lecturer
Application Form - Associate Professor
Application Form - Professor
Evidence for Promotion Guide
Research Career Pathway
Application Form - Senior Lecturer
Application Form - Associate Professor
Application Form - Professor
Evidence for Promotion Guide
Teaching and Scholarship Career Pathway
Application Form - Senior Lecturer
Application Form - Associate Professor
Application Form - Professor
Teaching Only Career Pathway
Application Form - Teaching Tutor to Teaching Fellow
Application Form - Teaching Fellow to Senior Teaching Fellow
Research Only Career Pathway
Application Form - Research Assistant to Research Fellow
Application Form - Research Fellow to Senior Research Fellow
Lecturer - Promotion or Alignment
Application Form - Lecturer - Promotion or Alignment
Further Documentation
Academic Promotion Guidance and Process
Academic Promotion Application Letter - Successful (for University Panel use only)
Academic Promotion Application Letter - Unsuccessful (for University and Faculty Panel use only)
Academic Promotion Chair's Assessment Summary Sheet (for Panel use only)
Academic Promotion Panel Process Flow Charts
Academic Promotion Frequently Asked Questions
Academic Promotion Staff Briefing Slides
Our information on People Directorate Policies, Guidance and Forms provide further information on pay for staff that have undertaken additional requested roles or duties to support the University.
The University also provides a range of Reward and Benefits for all staff.