ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ Maritime Centre

How to get involved

Affiliate membership

Our aim at the GMC is to be inclusive to anyone interested in maritime issues. We therefore invite anyone to become a GMC Affiliated Member.

By becoming an Affiliated Member, you will receive up-to-date information about the GMC (including our newsletter), maritime news, local and international events, opportunities in teaching (such as scholarships, internships and prizes) and research (e.g. collaboration opportunities), and more. You will become part of a vibrant network of people working in maritime issues, offering you opportunities to make new connections and broaden your understanding of maritime affairs.

We are currently changing the way we manage our mailing list so for now we are asking people who wish to sign up simply email us with their details at:


We will update this page soon with more formal details on how we manage our mailing list.

ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ Maritime Centre Blog

The aims to encourage thought-provoking discussion and debates around maritime issues and share interesting maritime news and events. We welcome all members/affiliated members of the GMC (whether student or staff) to submit short articles or news events to be considered for publication on the GMC Blog.

If you would like to submit an article for consideration on the blog please contact the GMC at gmc@gre.ac.uk.