ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ Maritime Centre

Our experts

The GMC Committee, made up of University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ staff, manages the day-to-day running of the centre.

GMC Committee

Between them, the Committee members have expertise in a range of maritime issues, from naval and environmental history, to current issues in conservation and coastal development.

The Committee also spans from Early Career Researchers through to individuals who have worked on maritime issues for decades. This diversity ensures that the GMC is current and inclusive and at the same time built upon extensive knowledge and experience.

The committee members are:

(Director, GMC)

Principal Lecturer In Environmental Geography.

Dr Adriana Ford (Co-ordinator, GMC)

Research Fellow in Environmental Social Sciences.

(GMC Committee)

Senior Lecturer in Cultural History.

(GMC Committee)

Visiting Lecturer in Maritime History.

(GMC Committee)

Lecturer in Environmental History / Research Fellow.

(GMC Committee)

Senior Lecturer in Naval History.

Visiting Professor & Head of Marine Programme United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).

Professor Christopher Bailey

Director of the Computational Mechanics and Reliability Group. Digital technologies and ship design.

Principal Scientist, Natural Resources Institute. Atmosphere-ocean processes and general marine ecosystems.

Professor of Mathematical Modelling. Maritime safety, fire and evacuation.

Professor Steven Haines

Professor of Public International Law.

Marketing Economist. Fisheries marketing and branding.

Commercial Director, Natural Resources Institute. Fisheries and fish marketing.

Head of Department, Department of Applied Engineering and Management. Marine engineering, shipping law and marine insurance, maritime policy and maritime security.

Lecturer in Biological Sciences. Environmental impacts on marine organisms and aquaculture.

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden. Social network analysis, social aspects of work and life on board.

Dr Stoyan Stoyanov

Reader, Department of Mathematical Sciences. Computational engineering.

Dr Pushparajah Rajaguru


Dr Catherine Tonry


Professor Michael Worboys

Professor and ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ GIScience Group Leader.

Professor Minghua Zhao

Research Fellow.

Emeritus Professor of Maritime History.

PhD Researcher.

PhD Researcher.