ABC: Activating Biophilic Cities

Conference Programme

Download event programme 

Day 1 

Day 2

Registration and refreshments

Registration and refreshments

Welcome and introduction to workshops

Welcome and introduction to workshops

Keynote: Dr Tim Beatley

Keynote: Oliver Heath

Papers 1 - 5

Papers 6 - 10



Exhibits, demonstrations and posters
'Connect with Nature' events:
- Tour of roof gardens 
- Experience Biophilia in the lift
- Listen and relax at the Biosonic Living Wall
- Palmstead Nurseries Ltd 'Making Design a Reality'

Exhibits, demonstrations and posters
'Connect with Nature' events:
- Tour of roof gardens 
- Experience Biophilia in the lift
- Listen and relax at the Biosonic Living Wall
- Palmstead Nurseries Ltd 'Making Design a Reality'

Workshops 1-3: Planning the biophilic city; Well buildings; The biophilic workplace

Workshops 4-6: Designing restorative landscapes; Designing healing spaces; Designing biophilic learning spaces

Plenary (+ Framework introduction)

Plenary (+ Framework discussion / progression)

Conference dinner – indoor/outdoor picnic
Best Dressed Biophilic Dresser Award

Close of Conference