Health & Safety

Smoking Policy

Smoking is not allowed in public access, teaching or working areas in any of the University's buildings.

On 01 July 2007, the Health Act 2006 imposed a legal duty on the University to ensure that smoking shall not be permitted in enclosed or substantially enclosed spaces to which the public has access.  Other legislation, including the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006, the Smoke Free (Exemptions and Vehicles) Regulations 2007, and the Smoke Free (Signs) Regulations 2012 impose duties with regard to smoking.

The legislation covers all substances that a person can smoke.  These include manufactured cigarettes, hand-rolled cigarettes, pipes, cigars, herbal cigarettes and water pipes (including shisha, hookah and hubble-bubble pipes).   With regard to the current published evidence about electronic cigarettes (also known as vaporisers), to minimise potential for confusion for smokers and non-smokers this University policy also prohibits the use of any type of electronic cigarette in areas where smoking is banned in premises and designated external areas.

This policy covers all public, teaching and working areas of the University including private offices, libraries, catering outlets, halls of residence, corridors, staircases, store rooms, toilets, lifts, workshops, University vehicles.

Smoking is not permitted within 5 metres of academic buildings across any of the campuses. For student accommodation buildings where the local environment and building structure may mean that the 5 metre rule is not possible or practical to implement, the location of the smoking areas will be determined by the Head of Accommodation Services and the building manager in consultation with university Health and Safety staff.

Employees and students of the University, contractors, visitors and persons making deliveries to its premises are required to comply with this policy whilst they are on campus.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is not allowed in public access, teaching or working areas in any of the University's buildings, including Halls of Residence, libraries, private offices, catering outlets, corridors, staircases, store rooms, toilets, rest rooms, lifts, workshops, plant rooms, University vehicles or within 5 metres of University buildings.  Smoking will not be allowed on the Landscape Roofs of the Stockwell Street Development.  For student accommodation buildings where the local environment and building structure may mean that the 5 metre rule is not possible or practical to implement, the location of the smoking areas will be determined by the Head of Accommodation Services and the building manager in consultation with university Health and Safety staff.  The hall smoking policy will be clearly identified to the students and staff within the building.

Monitoring of compliance with this policy will be undertaken throughout the academic year.

Smoking is permissible on stage during a performance where the artistic integrity of that performance makes it appropriate for a person taking part in the performance to smoke. Smoking is not allowed during rehearsals of the performance.

The University does not permit the promotion of tobacco or tobacco products in any of its buildings. It strongly encourages the Students' Union to adopt a similar policy in buildings specifically allocated for their use.

  • The Director of Estates & Facilities is responsible for ensuring that 'No Smoking' signs are displayed at entrances to University buildings.
  • All prospective employees and students shall be advised of the smoking policy before they join the University. References to the Policy will be included in publicity material such as further information for job applicants and student prospectuses.
  • All applicants for places in Halls of Residence shall be advised of the smoking policy and students offered places in Halls of Residence will be required to agree to the policy and its consequences when signing their License Agreements.
  • All employees are expected to support the smoking policy by drawing it to the attention of contractors and visitors for whom they are responsible and any staff, students, contractors or visitors in their presence who may be disregarding it. Resident Assistants in Halls of Residence are also expected to publicise the policy within their areas of responsibility. Employees and Resident Assistants are not expected to enter into any confrontation that may put their personal safety at risk.
  • Faculty Operating Officers, Directors of Professional Services and student accommodation managers will have an overall responsibility for seeing that the policy is observed in the Faculty, Directorate or Halls of Residence under their control.
  • Local disciplinary procedures should be followed if a member of staff or a student does not comply with this policy. Those who do not comply with the smoking law are also liable to a fixed penalty fine and possible criminal prosecution.
  • Students and staff who wish to give up smoking can contact NHS Direct who will be able to signpost to local 'Giving up Smoking Groups' run by the local PCTs (Primary Care Trusts).  Students and staff can also talk to their local pharmacist who can give advice and support to people who want to give up smoking.  Medical Centres carry a range of leaflets on the NHS help available.

This Policy is reviewed annually or sooner if major revisions are required to ensure that it continues to meet the aims of the original Policy.
