Health & Safety

Code of Practice - Laser Safety


The word 'laser' is an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The 'light' produced by a laser, a form of non-ionising radiation, has a unique combination of characteristics that distinguishes laser radiation from all other light sources. Lasers come in various forms and have many uses at work, in the home and for leisure: teaching, research, manufacturing, medicine, dentistry, shop checkouts, surveying tools, communications, entertainment, and office and audiovisual equipment.

Lasers emit radiation as narrow concentrated beams of light, not necessarily visible to the human eye. Their most commonly-recognised hazard is their ability to damage eyesight or burn skin, which can vary markedly according to the wavelength and power of the output. However, in some cases, other associated risks from use of the equipment may be more hazardous such as heat, dust and fumes.

Simple classification of lasers

The British Standard BS EN 60825-1:2014 'Safety of laser products Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements' classifies laser products according to the laser beam hazard. Brief definitions are:

Class 1 - Safe under reasonably foreseeable conditions of operation.

Class 1C - Safe without viewing aids, lasers are designed explicitly for contact applications to the skin or non-ocular tissue.

Class 1M - As Class 1 but not safe when viewed with optical aids such as eye loupes or binoculars.

Class 2 - (visible beams only) the eye is protected by the aversion responses, including the blink reflex and head movement.

Class 2M - As Class 2 but not safe when viewed with optical aids such as eye loupes or binoculars.

Class 3R - More likely to cause harm to the eye than lower class lasers but do not need as many control measures as higher class lasers.

Class 3B - Eye damage likely to occur if the beam is viewed directly or from shiny reflections.

Class 4 - Eye and skin damage likely form the main laser beam and reflected beams. These lasers may cause fires.

Regulations and guidance

The Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations (AOR) 2010 cover all forms of artificial light, including lasers. The general requirements of AOR 2010 are addressed by the University's Health & Safety Policy, under which Departments must have a programme of risk assessments to identify significant hazards in their activities and implement measures to eliminate them or to reduce them so far as is reasonably practicable.

'Safe' lasers

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) gives examples of 'safe' and 'hazardous' lasers based on definitions in the British Standard BS EN 60825-1:2014.

The HSE guidance states that any Class 1 laser product as defined in BS EN 60825-1:2014 is regarded as 'safe', for example bar code scanners and laser printers. Many items of scientific equipment are Class 1 lasers and may also be regarded as 'safe', for example spectrophotometers and particle sizers. These products may contain a higher powered laser as an embedded component but it is not accessible in normal use.

The HSE guidance also identifies that some lasers are perfectly safe under normal conditions of use but have the potential to cause harm if used inappropriately, for example if held very close to the eyes. They give examples of Class 1M, 2 or 2M lasers, for example some low power laser pointers in surveying tools. Some scientific and technical equipment may also contain Class 1M, 2 and 2M lasers.  Class 1C lasers are engineered to be ocular safe.

'Hazardous' lasers

The HSE guidance gives examples of 'hazardous' lasers that present a 'reasonably foreseeable' risk of harming the eyes and skin of workers and where control measures are needed. All use of Class 3B and 4 lasers in industry, research and education is specified as 'hazardous' because of the potential to cause damage to eyes including blindness, burns to the skin, and fire. The guidance also states that lasers which would not otherwise be accessible, for example in a Class 1 product, but which are exposed during manufacture or repair of the equipment may also be 'hazardous' lasers for the duration of that activity.

The HSE guidance sets out the control measures to be considered on a case-by-case basis to reduce the risk of harm to the eyes and skin of workers to as low as is reasonably practicable. For use of Class 3B and 4 lasers in industry, research and education the key measures to be considered are:

  • Specialist advice
  • Engineered measures – enclosure, controlled areas, interlocks, remote controls, screening, clamps to hold material
  • Designated laboratories with restricted access
  • Face shields, goggles or other protective eyewear and coveralls/lab coat
  • Gloves where appropriate
  • Include laser sources in the fire risk assessment
  • Information and training for users
  • Appropriate warning signs
  • Monitoring and enforcement of control measures
  • Medical examination if there has been over-exposure, and health surveillance if appropriate.

Higher Education sector guidance

The Association of University Radiation Protection Officers (AURPO) Guidance Note No 7 'Guidance on the safe use of lasers in education and research' sets out Higher Education sector good practice on laser safety. The University's Code of Practice on Laser Safety is based on the AURPO guidance.

The HSE guidance makes no reference to Class 3R lasers, but they are included in the British Standard BS EN 60825-1:2014 and in the AURPO guidance. They are therefore included in the main provisions of this Code.

Laser pointers

Misuse of laser pointer can cause damage to eyes. Under this Code of Practice, only Class 1 or 2 lasers may be used for demonstration, display or entertainment.

Members of staff wishing to use a Class 3 laser pointer must first consult the University Laser Safety Adviser.

Students are not permitted to use a laser pointer above Class 2 on University premises.

When operating laser pointers, users must ensure that they follow the manufacturer's safety instructions, use them in a safe manner and do not expose themselves or others to the beam. Laser pointers are not to be modified in any way.

Responsibilities under this Code of Practice

Faculty Operating Officers and Directors of Professional Services are responsible for

  • Ensuring there is an up-to-date list of all scientific and technical lasers and laser users.
  • Appointing a Laser Safety Supervisor if Class 3R, 3B or 4 lasers are used.
  • Ensuring no Class 3B or 4 laser is put into use for the first time without the approval of both the Laser Safety Supervisor and the University Laser Safety Adviser.
  • Ensuring that lasers of Class 3R and above, and their users, are registered on the University and the University and that a copy is sent to the University Laser Safety Adviser. Registrations must be made prior to first use and then updated for changes.
  • Ensuring a is completed for each laser of Class 3R and above prior to first use and on an annual basis thereafter.
  • Ensuring a risk assessment is completed in an approved format and written procedures for use are produced prior to use for the first time of any laser of Class 3R and above. The written procedures for use should be kept in the same area as the laser. The risk assessment and procedures must be reviewed and if necessary revised at least annually or if there are significant changes.
  • Ensuring risk assessments and laser survey forms for Class 3B and 4 lasers are forwarded to the University Laser Safety Adviser with the laser registration form prior to first use.
  • Ensuring the Department Laser Safety Supervisor annually surveys laser systems of Class 3R and above using the University laser survey form.
  • Addressing any problems notified by the Laser Safety Supervisor that arise from the annual survey. It is the responsibility of the appropriate academic supervisor to address any such problems. The Laser Safety Supervisor has the authority to recommend to the Faculty Operating Officer/Director of Professional Service that use of a certain laser facility should cease until remedial action has been taken.
  • Addressing any recommendations made by the Head of Health and Safety for remedial action following the annual audit.

University Laser Safety Adviser

The University Laser Safety Adviser is appointed by the University Secretary and is responsible for advising the Vice Chancellor, University Secretary and Laser Safety Supervisors on matters concerned with laser safety. They are responsible for

  • Assisting in preparing and keeping up to date University Policies and Codes of Practice relating to laser safety.
  • Maintaining a register of all University lasers of Class 3 R and above.
  • Maintaining a register of all University users of lasers of Class 3R and above.
  • Conducting annual audits of lasers of Class 3R or above, to ensure that the University Code of Practice for Laser Safety is being followed, and making recommendations to the relevant Faculty Operating Officer/Director of Professional Service for any remedial action required.
  • Advising Laser Safety Supervisors and Faculty Operating Officers/Directors of Professional Services on the operation of the University Code of Practice for Laser Safety; training for registered workers; protective equipment for laser use; labelling of lasers; and safe working procedures.
  • Advising officers in charge of design and construction of new buildings and the modification of existing buildings on matters affecting laser safety.
  • Liaising with the Head of Health and Safety and University Occupational Health Service on matters relating to medical examinations and health of registered laser workers.
  • Reporting on laser safety to the University Health and Safety Committee.

Laser Safety Supervisors

Laser Safety Supervisors are appointed by their Faculty Operating Officer/Director of Professional Service to carry out the following functions:

  • Reporting all lasers of Class 3R and above, and users of lasers of Class 3R and above, to the University Laser Safety Adviser, using appropriate registration forms.
  • Assisting in risk assessment and drawing up of written procedures for use of all lasers in their Departments.
  • Liaising with their Faculty Operating Officer/Director of Professional Service and the University Laser Safety Adviser, to arrange training in the safe use of lasers, for all registered laser users.
  • Ensuring that information and precautions identified by the risk assessment, are available to laser users.
  • Conducting an annual survey of their lasers of Class 3R and above and reporting results to their Faculty Operating Officer/Director of Professional Service.

Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidance

The Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010 to implement EC Directive 2006/25/EC.

British Standard BS EN 60825-1:2014 Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements.

PD IEC TR 60825-14:2004 Safety of laser products - Part 14: A user's guide (originally included in Part 1 of the British Standard)

Other British Standards in this series cover laser processing machines, optical fibre communication systems (OFCS), and laser displays and shows.

Health and Safety Executive available to download from The HSE website also has general information about lasers used for display purposes.

The Non-binding Guide to good practice for implementing "Artificial Optical Radiation" Directive 2006/25/EC provides detailed guidance and is available to download from . The Public Health England (PHE)/Health Protection Agency (HPA) website also has general information about laser hazards and precautions, including laser pointers. See

University sector guidance is given in the Association of University Radiation Protection Officers (AURPO) Guidance Note No.7 Guidance on the safe use of lasers in education and research.

March 2012 (Reviewed January 2023)