Research activities

Our Impact

At CREL we posit that raising awareness of, and sensitivity to, language, literary creations and heritage can play a role in addressing many health, education and other challenges faced by societies in the UK and around the world. For instance, failure to support language needs affecting children and young people impacts their wellbeing and contributes to disengagement from education. Through literature and creative writing we can impact the conceptions about race, gender and ecology. Similarly, working to improve the relation between people, communities and their environments in the past and present through the uses of (in)tangible heritage can improve the inclusion of those communities, their health and wellbeing. Our research seeks to address such cultural blind spots, exploring new ways to exchange ideas and ensure that everyone is included in the conversations that shape societies and transform landscapes.

The Centre for Research in Language and Heritage seeks to contribute to many of the (SDGs). Key examples include:

  • Our work to raise awareness and improve the assessment of language needs – including a groundbreaking Manifesto for language needs, an Early Day Motion brought to the British Parliament in late 2023, which supports Good Health and Well-being (SDG3).
  • Our work on how to bridge the gap between linguistic theory and practice for those teaching pupils for whom English is an additional language, which supports Quality Education (SDG4).
  • Our research on how narratives can change perceptions about critical issues, including climate, ecology and labour, which supports Work (SDG8) and Climate Action (SDG13)
  • Our leadership in the ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ Heritage Network, an initiative that brings together researchers and communities to increase knowledge of our roots and explore the impacts on wellbeing from the ways heritage sites are used, which supports Reduced Inequality (SDG10)
  • Our projects on language abilities in young offenders, to bring inclusivity to the criminal justice system () which supports Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG16)