Dr Simon Bowes BA (Hons), PhD

Lecturer in Drama

Simon is a practitioner-researcher with a doctorate in ethics of performance. He has more than a decade's professional experience in theatre. Past performances have been commissioned from Battersea Arts Centre(2009/10), SPILL/The Barbican (2011) and Jerwood/The Yard (2015).

Responsibilities within the university

Simon is tutor for two Level 6 courses 'Creative Project', 'Places of Performance, Spaces of Participation'. At Level 5 he teaches 'Avant Garde to Contemporary Performance'. He co-teaches Early Stages at Level 4. He is currently undertaking research into contemporary artistic and pedagogical practices.

Research / Scholarly interests

Ethics, performance, performance writing.

Recent publications

'Quietude, Restlessness and Uproar'; Performing Ethos 4.1 Special Edition (Intellect)


Transfigurations (Performance) Emergency, Manchester, Summerhall, Edinburgh, Camden People's Theatre (2016)

A Telescope Trained on the Night Sky (Performance) The Yard.

Obscure Temporalities (Paper) Performing Dialectics (QMUL, January 2016)