Natasha  Lawlor-Morrison

Natasha Lawlor-Morrison BSc, MSc, PhD, CPsychol

Lecturer in Strategy and Leadership

Natasha joined the University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ in 2020 and worked as a postgraduate teaching assistant whilst completing her PhD. The PhD, entitled ‘Understanding and developing learning agility’ was awarded without corrections in August 2023. Natasha secured a permanent position at the university as teaching fellow in business management in January 2023 and then as a lecturer in March 2024.

Natasha has a broad range of research interests relating to pedagogy, learning, and to leadership. A common theme throughout is identifying and fostering factors for success in various contexts, and likewise understanding and removing barriers to such success. Her approach is one of both positive psychology and realistic pragmatism.

Prior to joining the University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ, Natasha’s focus was on addiction (both in research and treatment) but her focus is now on success in education and work. Natasha completed a BSc in Psychology and MSc in Psychological Research Methods and Statistics at the University of Exeter before opening a CQC registered residential rehabilitation centre for alcohol addiction.

Natasha is a member of several research groups at the University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ: the Networks and Urban Systems Centre (NUSC), the Centre for Research on Employment and Work (CREW), Scholarship Excellence in Business Education (SEBE) and the AI & Data Science Network (part of the Turing university Network).

Responsibilities within the university

Natasha is module leader for RESE1170 Business Research Methods (Level 5) and MARK1190 Foundations of research and scholarship (Level 7). Natasha has taught on a broad number of modules, but most recently BUSI1620 Business Creation Project, BUSI1710 International Business Project and BUSI1604 Foundations of Scholarship. She has supervised undergraduate final year projects and master’s dissertations.

Natasha has previously worked on projects such as the Learning and Teaching Festival (Communications committee member), the Connect and Play student success project, and the development of new modules and programs.


2012 Recipient of the Leatherhead Community Association Award

2020 Recipient of the University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ Vice Chancellor Scholarship

2022 3MT Finalist


Natasha is recognised as Chartered Psychologist by the British Psychology Society and is a member of the British Academy of Management.

As part of her ongoing commitment to excellence in education, Natasha is currently undertaking an academic professional apprenticeship (level 7) which will result in FHEA recognition and is also pursuing recognition with UKAT for her personal tutoring work.

Research / Scholarly interests

  • Learning agility
  • Resilience
  • International Students
  • Engagement and belonging
  • Technology use

Recent publications

Lawlor-Morrison, N. (2023) “Understanding and Developing Learning Agility”, PhD Thesis, University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ, London.

Lawlor-Morrison, N., Dimitrova, N., and De Vita, R. (invited chapter) “Learning Agility in Post-Experience Education”. Handbook for Post-Experience Education (Volume 2: Practice). Palgrave-MacMillan.

De Vita, K., Wang, M., Tan, L., von Schomberg, L., and Lawlor-Morrison, N. (accepted for publication) “The influence of technology on student engagement and belonging: A study of Chinese students in the UK” in Marginson, S. and Zuoyu, Z. (eds.) Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: A practical textbook for education practitioners. Springer.


Lawlor-Morrison, N. (2023) “Theorising the development and derailment of learning agility”. The British Academy of Management (BAM) 2023 Conference.

De Vita, K., Wang, M., Tan, L., von Schomberg, L., and Lawlor-Morrison, N. (2023) “Technology in Higher Education - A Double-edged Sword?”. The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) Conference 2023.

De Vita, K., and Lawlor-Morrison, N. (accepted) ““Demystifying Generative AI: Adoption and Utilisation among Higher Education Students”. The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) Conference 2024.