Key details
Dr Maruf Salimon
Senior Lecturer in Advertising and Marketing Communications
Maruf graduated from Universiti Utara Malaysia in 2016 where he received his PhD in Marketing with a focus on Consumer behavior. Before then, he had acquired a Master in Managerial Psychology (MMP) from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria in 2012 and an MBA from Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, Nigeria in 2007. He also got his Postgraduate Diploma in Education from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria in 2013 and his Higher National Diploma in Business Administration in 1999 from the Federal Polytechnic Offa, Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria.
Before joining the University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ, he worked for the University of Southampton Malaysia (UoSM) from August 2022 until December 2023 as an Assistant Professor of Marketing. At UoSM he taught some modules at the postgraduate and undergraduate levels. He was a Module Leader
He equally worked as a senior lecturer from February 2017 until August 2023 at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) where he taught postgraduate and undergraduate courses. During his tenure with the university, which lasted for 5 years and 6 months, he chaired the Journal Establishment Committee for the School of Business Management (SBM). He was also a member of other committees, including but are not limited to the Students Business Hub Development Committee, School of Business Management Transformation Committee, Research Innovation Commercialization Exhibition Committee (RICE), Strategic Collaboration for African Countries Committee, Safety, Health & Risk Management Committee, Marketing Department Micro Credit Committee, Outcome-Based Education Committee, Information Technology Committee, etc.
Maruf also acted as an internal and external examiner for Ph.D. and master’s degrees within and outside Malaysia. He was a regular thesis reviewer for the Toi-Ohomai Institute of Technology, Rotorua, New Zealand. He also reviewed a Ph.D. thesis for SEGi University. During his tenure with UUM, he supervised Ph.D., DBA, and master’s thesis and dissertation. He also reviewed articles for some journals, such as Internet Research, Journal of Financial Service Marketing, Electronic Journal of Information System in Developing Countries, Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, Aslib Journal of Information Management, etc.
Before his academic career, Maruf worked for four commercial and retail banking institutions in Nigeria, including Trade Bank Plc, First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Intercontinental Bank Plc, and Access Bank Plc, where he held several branch operations positions, the last one being the head of operations of four different branches.
He is a full Member of the Institute of Strategic Management Nigeria (ISMN), an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), UK, an Associate Member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) (Chartered).
Responsibilities within the university
- Teaching different Modules at undergraduate and postgraduate levels such as MARK1225 Creative Content Marketing; MARK1120 Contemporary Issues in Marketing; MARK1229 Entrepreneurial Marketing, MARK1284 Marketing Management and Commercial Awareness, and MARK1322 Marketing Management
- Module Leadership
- Supervising undergraduate and postgraduate Dissertation
- Deputy Programme Leader Digital Marketing and Advertising
Emerald Literati Award of Excellence (2020)
Best Paper Award, Intra UUM Marketing Category, during 24th MACFEA National Seminar (2020)
Best Paper Award, Marketing Category, during 3rd International Conference on Business Management held at Vouke Hotel Suites, Penang, Malaysia (2018)
Outstanding Academic Staff (2019) Universiti Utara Malaysia
Research / Scholarly interests
Consumer Behaviour, Technology Adoption in the areas of AI, e-learning and others, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Sustainable Consumption behaviour
Key funded projects
2020-2022: Developing a Model for Boosting Malaysian SMEs Resilience Using Internet of Everything (IoE) (Co-Investigator) [Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) funded, RM 85, 800.00 (Eight Five thousand, Eight hundred Ringgit only)
2018-2020: Developing Cooperation Model for the implementation of Industry 4.0. among Malaysian and Nigerian SMEs (Principal Investigator) [Matching grant between Universiti Utara Malaysia and Kaduna State RM 10,000 (Ten thousand Ringgit)
2017-2020: CIDB consulting Project (Co-consultant) CIDB Funded, RM 45, 000.00 (Forty-five thousand Ringgit only)
Recent publications
Moshood, T. D., Rotimi, J. O., Shahzad, W., & Salimon, M. G. (2024). Enhancing infrastructure project delivery through lean construction: opportunities, challenges and implementation strategies. Technological Sustainability, (ahead-of-print).
Ansari, H. W. A., Fauzi, W. I. M., & Salimon, M. G. (2022). Conceptualizing 5G's of Green Marketing for Retail Consumers and Validating the Measurement Model Through a Pilot ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ. Journal of Distribution Science, 20(4), 33-50. (Scopus Index)
Yusr, M. M., Mokhtar, S. S. M., Perumal, S., & Salimon, M. G. (2022). The impact of customer knowledge management, TQM, and marketing capabilities on product innovation performance of Malaysian SMEs: an empirical study, International Journal of innovation science 14 (2) 316-338, (ABS (1) Indexed)
Yusr, M. M., Aliyu, O. A., Khattak, A., Salimon, M. G., & Muhammad, S. (2022). Determinants of SMEs’ product innovation performance in Malaysia: an extended model. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2152649, (ABS (1) and Scopus Indexed)
Turay, T., Mokhtar, S. S. M., Salimon, M. G., & Azman, H. A. (2022). The Level of Indonesia's patient's confidence toward private hospital in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE), 9(1), 101-108.
Salimon, M.G., Mokhtar S.S.M, Aliyu A.O., Yusr M. M, Perumal S. (2021), Smartphone Banking Usage in Nigeria: Gamification, Technology Acceptance and Cultural Factors Empirical Perspectives, The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 87 (4), e12174, DOI: 10.1002/isd2, (ECSI, Web of Science and Scopus Indexed).
Salimon, M.G., Mokhtar S.S.M, Aliyu A.O., Yusr M. M, Perumal S. (2021), Solving E-Learning Adoption Intention Puzzles among Private Universities in Nigeria: An empirical Approach, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education (Early Cite)- (Q2, ECSI, and Scopus Indexed)
Salimon, M.G., Kareem, O. Sany SSM, Aliyu O.A., Bamgbade J.A., Adelele A.Q. (2021), Malaysian SMEs M-Commerce Adoption: TAM 3, UTAUT 2 and TOE Approach, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 14.1 (2021): 98-126, Doi: 10.1108/JSTPM-06-2019-0060 (ABS (1), ABDC, ESCI, Q2 Scopus Indexed).
Salimon, M.G., Aliyu A.O., S. Perumal S. Yusr M. M, (2021), E-learning Satisfaction and Retention: A Concurrent Perspective of Cognitive Absorption, Perceived Social Presence and TAM, Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 23(1), pp. 109-129 (ABS (1), ABDC, and Scopus Indexed).
Yusr, M. M., Mokhtar, S. S. M., Salimon, M. G., & Fauzi, W. I. M. (2021). How to enhance the success rate of new products in the market. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 24(4), 478-493. (ABS (1), Scopus Indexed)
Yusr, M. M., Salimon, M. G., Mokhtar, S. S. M., Abaid, W. M. A. W., Shaari, H., Perumal, S., & Saoula, O. (2020). Green innovation performance! How to be achieved? A study applied on Malaysian manufacturing sector. Sustainable Futures, 2, 100040 (Scopus Indexed).
Gorondutse, A.H., Hilman, H., Salimon, M.G., Al Shdaifat, F.H., Kumaran, V.V. (2019), establishing the effect of government support on the relationship between gender egalitarian and women leadership effectiveness among public universities in KSA, Gender in Management: An International Journal, 34 (4), 306-32 (ABS (1), ABDC Ranked, Scopus Indexed).
Bamgbade J.A., Nawi, M.N.M., Kamaruddeen, A.M., Adeleke, A.Q., Salimon, M.G. (2019), Building sustainability in the construction industry through firm capabilities, technology, and business innovativeness: empirical evidence from Malaysia, International Journal of Construction Management (published online), 1-16. (ABS 1/ABDC Ranked (Scopus Indexed).
Salimon M.G., Kareem O., Mukthar S.S.M, Rushami R.Z, Gorondutse, A.H., (2019), Tourism Intention: The empirical investigations of pull, push and perceived security factors in Nigeria, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 25 (2), 358-374, (Scopus Indexed).
Adeleke, A. Q., Bahaudin, A. Y., Kamaruddeen, A. M., Bamgbade, J. A., Salimon, M. G., Khan, M. W. A., & Sorooshian, S. (2018). The influence of organizational external factors on construction risk management among Nigerian construction companies. Safety and health at work, 9(1), 115-124., (Scopus Indexed).
Yusr, M. M. Mokthar, S. S. M., Salimon, M. G. & Perumal, S. (2018). The Strategic Options to enhance Competitive Advantage of Malaysian Restaurant Sector. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites. 1(21), 123-132. (Scopus Indexed).
Salimon, M.G., Yusoff, R. Z., Mokthar, S. S. (2017). The Mediating Role of hedonic Motivation on the relationship between Adoption of E-Banking and its Determinants. International Journal of Bank Marketing. 35(4), 558-582. (ABS (1)/ABDC Ranked, Scopus Indexed).
Salimon, M.G. Mokhtar, S.S. Yusoff, R.Z. & Adeleke A. Q. (2017). What Determines E-Satisfaction Among E-Banking Customers in Nigeria. A Partial Least Square Approach, Internal Journal of Business Excellence, 2(2), 1-16
Mashi, M. S., & Salimon, M. G. (2016). Consideration of future consequences as an antecedent of employee cyberloafing behavior among selected working adults in Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship, 6(2), 319-334.
Salimon, M.G., Yosuff, R.Z. Mokthar S. S. (2016). What determines adoption of e-banking Among Nigerians. Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research. 4 (2), 1-12
Guest Speaker at the Conference of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), Malaysia Branch held at Kuching, Malaysia (December 2023).
Topic: Artificial Intelligence and Business Model Innovation- A New Challenge for Business and the Emerging Roles of Chartered Accountants
ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ Business School TMRC Workshop Presentation
Topic: How to respond to Reviewers’ Comments