Lana Li

Postgraduate Research Teaching Assistant

I studied BA in Digital Media Art at Northwest Normal University in China and MA in Design Innovation at Loughborough University in the UK. After my MA study, I worked as a marketing manager in an e-commerce company in Shanghai and helped some European lingerie brands to develop in the China market. In addition, I also worked in project management for a tech company that cooperates with Apple.

Responsibilities within the university

I’m a PhD student in Marketing and working as a research assistant in two projects in the Faculty of Business, University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ.


Loughborough University Excellence Scholarship 2018-2019 (during master study in Loughborough University)

Research / Scholarly interests

  • Consumer identity
  • Online feminism
  • Self-gifting consumption
  • Chinese consumer behaviour

Recent publications

Yi, L., 2021. Reducing the Negative Impact of Pop-up Advertisements on Users and Improving Potential Purchase Intention. Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies4(5), pp.98-102.