Leroi  Henry

Dr Leroi Henry BA, PhD, PGCert, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour

Key details

Dr Leroi Henry

Senior Lecturer in Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour

Dr Henry joined the University in October 2017 and he currently leads undergraduate courses on HR analytics and HR metrics. He also leads on postgraduate research methods and foundations of scholarship courses. He teaches cross-cultural management and diversity management, supervises dissertations and acts as a personal tutor. He is currently working with colleagues on research projects on diversity in football management and oral histories of Windrush generation nurses.

Previously he worked at:

  • The University of Northampton where he managed and taught undergraduate and Masters research methods and dissertation modules in the UK and overseas and led doctoral modules on Principals of Research and Advanced Qualitative methodologies
  • The Working Lives Research Institute at London Metropolitan University where he led several international research projects funded by the European Union on equality in the workplace, employee wellbeing, restructuring and social partnership. He was deputy programme leader of a professional doctorate in Researching Work leading four taught modules. He successfully supervised three doctoral students to completion.
  • The Open University where he worked on research projects on migrant health professionals and the role of diasporas and transnational networks in international development.
  • Warwick University where he worked at the NHS Centre for Involvement exploring public and patient participation in NHS decision making.

Research / Scholarly interests

Dr Henry's research is mostly qualitative with key areas of interest around equality in the workplace, minority self-organisation, migrant workers and the roles of social and cultural capital in social mobility. He has keysectoral interests in health professionals, sports industries and trades unions.

Key theoretical perspectives applied include social and cultural capital, intersectionality and institutionalised discrimination with a particular focus on the ways in which responses to perceived structural inequalities impact on outcomes.

His current research agenda includes: equality in the workplace particularly minority ethnic self-organisation in the workplace; the roles of sports clubs in developing and transposing social and cultural capital for minority youth; and precarity and collective organisation in the fitness industry.

Key funded projects

Dr Henry is currently working on a Leverhulme funded project analysing the implementation by the English Football League of a guaranteed interview scheme the Rooney Rule which seeks to redress the under-representations of BME football managers in the UK.

The project involves a survey of all EFL teams and case studies with selected clubs which explore practices around recruitment and promotion of staff in English football clubs. The project has discovered significant differences in practice between the first team bubble and other areas of the club with the little engagement with formal HR practices in the former. Analysis has focused on the key roles of social and cultural capital in facilitating career mobility and has explored the ways in which these capitals are racialized and how this can lead to the marginalisation of minority ethnic coaches.

He is also working on a project collecting oral histories of Windrush generation nurses focusing on how workplace experiences particularly responses to disadvantage and how these experiences are transmitted across generations.

Recent publications

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Bornat, J., Raghuram, P., and Henry, L. (2014). Oral history voicing differences: South Asian doctors and migration narratives. Economic and Political Weekly, 49 (30)

Bornat, J. Raghuram P. Henry, L. (2012) Revisiting the archives - opportunities and challenges: a case study from the history of Geriatric Medicine, Sociological Research Online, 17, (2), 11

Bornat, J. Henry, L. Raghuram P. (2011) The making of careers, the making of a discipline: Luck and chance in migrant careers in geriatric medicine, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 78, 3, pp 342-350

Bornat J., Raghuram P., Henry L. (2011) 'The hospital bed as a site of spatial practice: UK and South Asia qualified geriatricians and the development of the geriatric specialty', Area, 43 (4), pp. 430–437.

Raghuram P. ,Bornat J., Henry L. (2011) 'The co-marking of aged bodies and migrant bodies: migrant workers' contribution to geriatric medicine in the UK' , Sociology of Health and Illness, 33, 2

Raghuram P., Henry L., Bornat J. (2010) 'Difference and distinction? Non-migrant and migrant networks', Sociology, 44, 4

Raghuram P. Bornat J. Henry L. (2009) 'Ethnic clustering among South Asian geriatricians in the UK – an oral history study', Diversity in Health and Social Care, 16, (4), pp. 287–296

Bornat, J. Henry, L. Raghuram P. (2009) 'Don't mix race with the specialty': interviewing South Asian overseas-trained geriatricians, Oral History Journal, 38, 1

Bornat, J. Henry, L & Raghuram, P. (2008) Overseas-trained South Asian doctors and the development of Geriatric Medicine. Generations Review.18 (3)

Henry, L. (2007) Institutionalised disadvantage: Older Ghanaian nurses and midwives reflections on career progression in the NHS, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16, (12), 2196-2203

Mackintosh M, Mensah K, Henry, L and Rowson M (2006) Aid, restitution and international fiscal redistribution in health care: implications of health professionals' migration. Journal of International Development, 18, 757-770

Henry, L., et al. (2004). Networks: Transnational Agents of Development. Third World Quarterly, 25, (5).

Henry, L. and Mohan, G. (2003) Making Homes: The Ghanaian Diaspora, Institutions and Development, Journal of International Development15, 611-622.

Book Chapters

Bornat, J., Raghuram, P., and Henry, L (2016) "Without racism there would be no geriatrics":South Asian Overseas-Trained Doctors and the Development of Geriatric Medicine in the United Kingdom, 1950–2000 in Monnais and Wright (eds.), Doctors Beyond Borders: The Transnational Migration of Physicians in the Twentieth Century (Toronto: University of Toronto Press)

Bornat, J. Henry, L. Raghuram P. (2013) Re-using archive data in the Secondary Analysis and Re-Using Archived Data in the Context of Ageing and Biography, Representation of Older People in Research Series, London: Centre for Policy on Ageing

Thomson G., Henry, L. and Koeper B (2013) "Does restructuring make German workers as sick as British workers? in Koeper B. ed Health and qualification during the change process

Raghuram P. ,Bornat J., Henry L. (2012) Creating spaces of care Tysczczuk R, Smith J, Clark N, Butcher M eds. ATLAS: Geography, Architecture and Change in an Interdependent World, London: Black Dog

Raghuram P. ,Bornat J., Henry L. (2011) 'The co-marking of aged bodies and migrant bodies: migrant workers' contribution to geriatric medicine in the UK' Twigg, J. Wolkowitz, C. Cohen R, and Nettleton, S. ed "Body Work in Health and Social Care: Critical Themes, New Agendas" Wiley Blackwell

Henry, L. (2008) Disengagement and demoralisation: The roots of Ghanaian nurses' responses to discrimination in the NHS. In Tschudin, V. ed The Globalisation of nursing: ethical, legal and political issues Radcliffe Oxford

Henry, L (2006) Participatory Development as Ethnic Citizenship: the case of Gurage Peoples Self–help and Development Organisation. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies. (104-110), Uhlig, S Ed. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden

Henry, L. (2004) Citizenship, morality and participatory development: The case of the Sebat Bet Gurage in Mohan, G. and Hickey, S. Eds. Participation from tyranny to transformation. Zed. London


Bergstom, Henry, Rodriguez, Sprenger, Thomson and Triomphe (2013) Restructuring in public services: crisis, social dialogue and Renewals IRENE policy paper No 2/13. Paris

Larsen J, Henry, L and Smith P(2007) Closed Doors: Career progression for overseas trained nurses is a struggle Nursing Standard 33 2 April 25th

Mackintosh M, Raghuram P and Henry, L (2006) 'A perverse subsidy': African-trained doctors and nurses in the NHS   Soundings 34, Autumn 2006

Mensah K, Mackintosh M, Henry L. (2005). The 'skills drain' of health professionals from the developing world: a framework for policy formulation. London, Medact.

Selected reports

Henry, L. (in Triomphe C.E. et al) (2015) Vulnerable Groups in Restructuring (VIRES) Astrees, Paris DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, EU Commission

Henry, L. (in McKay and Jefferys ed) (2014) The social effects in Europe of the developments of fixed-term and temporary agency work, Working Lives Research Institute, London. Report prepared for ILO

Henry, L. (in Triomphe C.E. et al) (2013) Restructuring in Public Services General considerations, job transitions and social dialogueAstrees, Paris DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, EU Commission

Henry, L. et al (2013) Challenging Racism in the Workplace (CRAW) Final Report WLRI London DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EU Commission

Henry, L. et al (2011) The Health Impact of Restructuring on Public sector employees and the role of social dialogue (HIRES.Public) Final Report WLRI London DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EU Commission

Henry, L. (in Teissier C. et al) (2010) Psycho-social risks, services and social dialogue. Astrees, Paris DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, EU Commission

Herron-Marx, S. Bayliss, H. Staniszewska, S. Henry, L. Bagley, P. Tritter, J. (2008) A baseline assessment of the current state of Patient and Public Involvement in English NHS Trusts: Findings of the National Survey 2007 Full Report  NHS Centre for Involvement University of Warwick.

Smith P, Allan H, Henry, L, Larsen J and Mackintosh M (2006) Valuing and recognising the talents of a diverse healthcare workforce. University of Surrey, Guildford. EU Commission http://portal.surrey.ac.uk/reoh