
Two commendation wins for ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ Architecture students


A project that seeks to engage with the everyday through the use of functional space has earned a University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ student a prestigious award.

Marilia Lezou's 'Hotel Mollino', RIBA Silver Serjeant Award winner

A project that seeks to engage with the everyday through the use of functional space has earned a University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ student a prestigious award.

Marilia Lezou's work, 'Hotel Mollino: Staging Spaces of the Everyday as Heterotopias of Performance in Scenography and Architecture', has won the RIBA Silver Serjeant Award for Excellence in Drawing. The award is part of the Royal Institute of British Architects' (RIBA) Presidents Medals 2018.

A series of stills depicting model film sets placed throughout the house of the Architect Carlo Mollino, Lezou's project aims to deploy an engagement with the everyday and direct the viewer between drawings, models and the screen.

Alex Wilford, a Part-1 student at the university, also won the RIBA Bronze Medal Commendation for his project 'The Smithfield Meat Market'. The design is for a multi-purpose building which would serve as an improved space for lorries to unload to the market whilst also acting as an educational space for the public to learn about the art of butchery.

The breadth and scale of talent evidenced in the design proposals and writings produced by this year's winners is truly remarkable. This is an emerging generation of skilled thinkers who are able to distil complex ideas and resolve them into sophisticated architectural proposals. They are all talents to watch.

- RIBA President Ben Derbyshire

To celebrate Marilia and Alex's success, the university's Department of Architecture and Landscape is holding an exhibition in the Stephen Lawrence Gallery at the Stockwell Street building until 19 January 2019.

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Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences