For schools and colleges

HE Fairs

You can find University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ representatives at Higher Education Fairs, Careers Fairs and UCAS Fairs throughout the UK

A member of University of ÐÓ°ÉappÏÂÔØ's staff or a Student Ambassador will be available to advise students and parents on the opportunities and courses available at the university, student life, and applying to us.

When attending a fair or exhibition we are also available to deliver a range of HE Workshops.

Together we had the school filled with a sense of purpose all day and responses we have had from students and parents have shown us that the day has inspired our students


Careers Strategy

The Government's Careers Strategy uses the Gatsby Benchmarks to set out a range of requirements that schools and colleges must meet. We have matched all of our activities to these, and this activity can support you with meeting benchmark 1 and 7.

Booking information

If you are organising your school or college's Higher Education Fair or Careers Fair and would like to invite us to attend, then please get in touch.

If you have any accessibility requirements which you would like to inform us of for any of our events, please email us at esu@gre.ac.uk